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Stand Firm & Walk

    My love, do not flinch, do not fear, accept as from Me, delivered to you straight from My hand. Do not attempt to reason it… 

    A Time for Every Purpose

      My child I see the path I’ve laid out before you. I see the full road I’ve created you to walk on. Trust Me that… 

      Look to God, Not Man

        Beloved, I move upon you and quicken you to hear My desire to speak to you. Even in the night watches you arose and praised… 

        Rainbow in the sky evidencing the hope of God's promise.

        Receive from the Lord

          Just as the rain comes down to water the earth, so I will rain on you to refresh your parched ground.  I see your weariness,… 

          Words of God's Wisdom

          Great is Thy Faithfulness

            Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. How faithful He is. Let us turn our hearts to mediate on this aspect of His… 

            Be of Good Cheer

              Watch what I have done and will even reveal with the plans I am orchestrating for you and the paths I have created for you… 

              Walk in My Authority

                I will bless you where you are. Because your heart is submitted to Me I will cause everything your hand is set to do to… 

                An Open Heart

                  Do not think those whispers to Me in the early morning hours go unnoticed. This is when your true heart is revealed, when your defenses… 

                  Delight in the Lord

                    Let not the feverish pursuits for satisfaction consume you.  All of your striving and obsessing end in fruitlessness and guile is your reward, for the… 

                    Don’t Know What to Pray

                      Intimates of the Lord, when there are times when a light/heaviness rests on your spirit and only prayers in the Spirit will do – these… 

                      Walk in the Spirit

                        Peace, Peace walk, live, breath in My peace. Let your whole being be filled with it. For when you are at peace I can speak… 

                        The Lifter of My Head

                          Say to Me, “My soul boasts in the Lord, I will not be put to shame for it is God who strengthens me, He is… 

                          Yellow flower standing strong in a field with a blue sky behind it.

                          God’s Purpose, Our Position

                            This is how I want you to always walk – in My peace and power, unmoved by the look of surrounding circumstances.  Go forth into… 

                            yellow flowers close to the ground in the morning sun

                            Wait Upon the Lord

                              Wait, my love. Wait only upon Me. You are not waiting for man, you are not waiting for circumstances to change, you are not waiting… 

                              two yellow labs smelling a meadow in the morning.

                              Walk with Me

                                Blessings and riches I speak over you. Riches and honor I speak to you. Why do you think I would not desire to speak to… 

                                Stand Firm & Bless

                                  Stand, in the face of any difficulty, any torment, any silence, stand in Me. I will make a way for you. Lift up your head.… 

                                  Pelicans standing confidently on pilings in water.

                                  Let Us Be Done with Pride

                                    How imposing pride is when at work within us. Arrogance, conceit, self-importance even self-deprecation as a response to another. These are all methods we use… 

                                    two yellow labs happily running in a field

                                    An Exuberant Hope

                                      What do we as Christians, God’s dear Children, the beloved of Christ expect in our relationship with God? What has Christ given us by his… 

                                      Restlessness of the Spirit

                                        Have you felt the restlessness that is buried under all of our attempts at satisfying our heart’s cries? Have we used a relationship (Godly or… 

                                        The Hope of Our Faith

                                          Be done with speculation, for have I not called you out to hear My voice, to take what I say as truth and forsake looking…