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Winds of Change

     Even as you wait for My word to be given so you wait for My winds of change to blow on you to bring that word to pass. I not bring forth until My time. I tell you now, My love, winds of change will begin to overtake you. Even as My Holy Spirit swept into the upper room and left non untouched and each life changed and purposeful, so My wind will leave nothing untouched in your life. My children can even grow complacent in the waiting, so I tell you fully expect Me to move. 

     I will awe you. Your realms of influence and responsibility will be above what man says is possible. You have followed Me and My paths for you, and I will abundantly bless all that you do. You were willing to humble yourself and be used by Me fully. You must depend on Me for your way, not your own effort.

     Man’s standards change, but I am unchanging. I equip you for what you need now and what you will need in the purposes for which I will use you in the future. My love, even in the quietness My wind of change will blow suddenly. When I change things, all will be new.

  • “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:2