What is Possible
Proclaim confidently the answer to the question, “What is possible?” …”What is impossible with man is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27). Ask the ant was…
Proclaim confidently the answer to the question, “What is possible?” …”What is impossible with man is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27). Ask the ant was…
Let us be renewed in knowledge in the image of our Creator, Jesus Christ our Lord. We are renewed in knowledge as we read His…
What if we find ourselves with no clear direction? Maybe this season in your life has gone on for long that you seem to have…
Just wow! I heard Brandon Lakes’ “Count ‘Em” song, and observed some very powerful lyrics. Watch it below and worship with all of His creation!…
Oh the limitless goodness of God. How do we even begin to fathom all He has created for us and given to us that we…
I’ve encountered many conversations about politics. This one has one opinion and that one has another and both think they are absolutely right. When encountering…
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall…
When all is said and done, this is the most important thing. Let us all sing in one accord to the Holy One, Jesus Christ!…
I’ve felt the need to pray for this next election, so much hinges on voting and electing those who would govern this country in freedom,…
Rejoice, for the Lord knows you by name! Be not discouraged at how things look. Be a light to the world as you let Jesus…
Try this, turn on the song Oceans with instrumental or other song with instrumental (no vocals) that brings you into a place of praise and worship…
I was watching our backyard bird feeder from my desk and noticed something very interesting about the Dove. We have a family of small Finches…
Let’s continue our examination of freedom from mental anguish. The study below deals with our hearts and spiritual blocks that can take us off course…
Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me” (John 14:1). Below are two videos that can bring…
So many think God has forgotten them. So many think there is no hope. So many have been attacked by these lies through spiritual warfare…
These three states of mental anguish (fearing, ruminating, and indulging in self-pity) really pack a punch. Let’s define these in order to understand them and…
For those who are seeking the Lord and feeling restless where they are, take hope, your path is not hidden from the Lord. He is…
In all we do and struggle with, His grace covers us. I hope it blesses your hearts and encourages you as you continue to walk…
Are you discouraged in your role at work or at home? Are you striving for a promotion that just doesn’t seem to materialize? Be not…
Whether we are dealing with challenges in our lives related to daily living, relationships, career, personal challenges, or in our spiritual walk, God is the…
Sometimes a simple, classic hymn can draw one away from the noise of the world and into divine worship of God. Be Thou My Vision…
I came upon this video that vividly explains how Jesus is the Good Shepherd of our souls! If you are lost and undone, watch this…
For those who don’t fully understand the whole Jesus and Salvation reality, please see this movie. In the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John…
Let us look to the Holy Bible as the roadmap for navigating in our world today. Be not discouraged, beloveds. If you know God through…
For a long season I went about wondering, “Why am I so sad?” I finally began to notice the pattern. Pictures of devastating loss and…
Take heart, oh weary one. Do not be tossed about with the noise of the world. Look unto the author and perfecter of your faith:…
When you do not see ahead, when you are surrounded by loss and grief, when you are filled with joy and rejoicing, when you are…
Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil. For any who have suffered loss, disappointment, or discouragement.…
Luke 1:39-55 In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, and she entered the house…
For a long season I have questioned whether I love God enough. I wrestle with what Paul did when he said that which I don’t…