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Where He Would Have Me

Are we willing to go or stay where He sends? Though at times our hearts may wrestle in tears and say, “Not here, Lord! I don’t want to stay.” or “Not there, Lord! I don’t want to go.” The only question we must answer  is where would He have us? If we have died to self and our life is now hidden with Christ Jesus, then it does not matter where or when, but that we go or stay where He leads.

     You stand there with heart open to Me, yet you feel dry and deserted. You think, “How to I do what is before me today? I have nothing in Me. Where do I even start?” My love, begin in Me. Let your heart and eyes look up to Me, pause and be still and let Me fill you. Not just with purpose and life but with knowledge on how to do each step. Do each task, no matter how small as unto Me.

     I will lead you safely through. Let Me change even how your body stands, not in tension and with rigidity but in a relaxed state of knowing I Am.  Let your voice sing out to Me in spirit and in truth. I will hear and meet your song with My own. Yes, I sing over you. I sing over you with purpose, with skill, with talent, with giftings you have need of even this day.

     Fret not about today or days to come, for I Am with you. Know this each moment, revel in this each moment. Mankind without Me revels in acts of the flesh, but the reveling is what I put in man to revel in Me. Yes, have your revelry in Me, for I satisfy fully with life and peace as the effect.

     Let your sound of worship be released from your spirit unto Me. How long it has been held back, how long you have looked to your circumstances and even to other men to satisfy you and find meaning and purpose. I Am your purpose, I Am your meaning, I am your life.

Matthew 1:28-30

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 22:37

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.”

Worship: You Have Captivated My Heart by Eric Gilmour