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My Great Works Known

     Be not afraid, for have I not heard the cries of My people. I Am. Men with deceitful hearts will try to explain away My interventions, My miracles, My mercy. In these last days I will pour out on My sons and daughters and many mighty works will be seen.

     Look up My loves, for your redemption draweth nigh. I delight to be known by all men. Continue to sing forth My praise, to tell them of My ways, to bear fruit. I am greatly pleased with My beloveds. Lift up your head and be not downcast, but take off the heavy cloak of despair and run free in My green pastures.

     Delight yourself in Me for I will direct you paths. I will make your way. I will fill up what lacks. Only trust in Me. Let your hearts be light and walk with great expectancy. Call forth those things as I lead you, pray without ceasing, in all things give thanks for I Am and I see you.