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Proclaim, Proclaim, Proclaim

    Even if you may be the only one speaking God’s will in a situation, proclaim anyway! God is faithful, He will not forsake you.     … 

    I Bring Forth

           As you look at the circumstance/mountain and see it through My light, speak My will over it, and know My good pleasure for it… 

      In My Way and My Time

            Wait for Me, receive from Me. I am your very great reward. You see that it is not by might, or by power, but… 

        At the Appointed Time

               It is I who control the times and seasons. Did I not set the very seasons in place and set the world to turn… 

          I Make You To Overcome

                 I must teach you to stand so that I can bring you to a higher place with Me, a place on My heights.  The… 

            Do Not Delay

                   I have chosen to speak to you but at times you have not chosen to listen and hearken unto My voice. I have much… 

              Trust Me at My Word

                My faith looks up to Thee, my Savior, my Guide, my Deliverer. From your hand all blessings come, spiritual consolation and revelations, physical healing, financial… 

                Delight of a Bridled Tongue

                      Beloved, when you pause to avoid speaking  evil of a situation you delight Me. You remembered My word that you are to bless and… 

                  Blessed Be the Name

                         You had planned and prepared for meatloaf, when what I wanted to give you was Filet Mignon. Beloved, I delight to give My children… 

                    Listen Daily for My Word

                           I am delighted that you take time to listen to Me.  I have said I would speak daily to you. There is much for… 

                      The Strength of Your Walk

                             You have blessed My heart by believing My words in light of no evidence. This is a walk of faith with Me. I declare… 

                        Proclaim the Word

                              You do well to speak My words when prompted. As you are led to proclaim in tongues I will bring forth these mysteries. Whether… 

                          Refinement & Refreshment

                                You have gone through a process of refinement. As I’ve led you along this way, you learned to put no confidence in your flesh,… 

                            Unite My Heart

                              Prayer: Give me an undivided heart to stand in your purposes for me. I have no strength to stand alone, but I can do all… 

                              A Godly Perspective

                                     Do not fear what man fears, do not dread what man dreads. I am the one you are to fear, I am the one… 

                                Unmoved By Circumstances

                                       Walk, live, breath in My peace. It is imperative that you walk in this way – unmoved by circumstances.You, My child, My love, My… 

                                  Meditate on Me

                                         Seek those things that usher you into My presence, whether it be a word preached, a song of worship or praise, being in the… 

                                    Into the Next Season

                                           My love, you have grown very comfortable with your tasks at hand. You find delight in your work. I tell you that I have… 

                                      In Gentleness

                                        Always act in gentleness one toward another with forbearance seeking the good of others before yourself.  When that one that you lose patience with, get… 

                                        Creativity to Work

                                               I will give you creativity to accomplish all I have planned for you to do. What a blessing and light walk it is to… 

                                          Seasoned By Fire

                                                 My seasoned warriors are those I trust to lead and govern My people. When you begin to learn who I am and trust Me… 

                                            Unlimited Supply

                                                   I have an unlimited supply of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. I have discernment to bestow so that you can know the right way and… 

                                              My Righteous Governors

                                                     Just as the rain washes and refreshes the ground and all that is on it, so too am I washing and refreshing you. I… 

                                                My Way of Leadership

                                                       I speak to you know of those I put into positions of authority to bring about my purposes. Some have great authority, some have… 

                                                  Unity of the Spirit

                                                         Just as you desire your little ones to dwell together in unity so that there is more freedom, so do I desire My children… 

                                                    A Walk on the Heights

                                                           I have called you to walk on the heights and you now are beginning to understand what this means. The beginning of walking on… 

                                                      The Wellspring of Life

                                                             My love, you do not wait in vain. I will do all I please with you. Many things I’ve told you and I plan… 

                                                        Saturated with Me

                                                               You were created to speak My words. You were made in My image, did I not create what is by My very words. Do… 

                                                          For More Than You Know

                                                                 My love, I’ve created your heart for more than you are doing now or can see now, for more than you know. Your present… 

                                                            Display My Heart

                                                                   Complete your work as unto Me. I will exalt and I will put down. Waste not one drop of energy on looking at what…