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Devotions and Words

Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding inspired by God.

I Am is With Thee

    Oh God, let the sound of worship, that sound that is unique to each of us, come forth from our spirits, engaging our souls, and… 

    The Glories to Come

      As we enter into the holiday seasons, we find ourselves surrounded by lights and decorations that point to the birth of Christ. For some the… 

      Beyond the Brambles

        When we only want to go through the motions and not really feel or be engaged at the heart level, understand that the resistance is… 

        Why Fear Ye?

          As the Lord has been working some things in and out of me, He recently revealed my tendency for timidity. In his process of refinement,… 

          Thee and Me, My Love

                 Many gifts but one body. Oh, My love, flow in the gift I’ve given you. Do not look to this one or that or… 

            The Place of Possibilities

              What do we do when we come to a place that seems immovable. We’ve exerted all of our strength and resources trying to change our… 

              Into What I’ve Prepared

                As we walk higher with the Lord and fully take on and live and move and have our being in our true identity in Christ,… 

                Enter Deeper Into Me

                  For those of us who find ourselves stuck in a rut, let us move on into the deeper things of God. The word below is… 

                  Stop Trying to Figure It Out

                    Prayer: Lord, I will speak, write, and believe Your truths even when I don’t yet see full evidence in my life of Your promises fulfilled.… 

                    What Now, Oh Lord

                      “What now, Oh Lord?” This is a question that rises up from a heart of discouragement. What causes discouragement? When things go a different way… 

                      Daring Faith

                        When Jesus and His disciples came upon a man afflicted with an infirmity from birth his disciples asked a question many of us ask when… 

                        An Undivided Heart

                          Oh, what the Lord could do with an undivided heart as we seek, worship, and walk with Him daily. This is something many struggle with.… 

                          Putrid Bog of Dissension

                            Have you ever felt at war with everyone and everything? When we wrestle with dissension and criticism we find fault with everyone around us and… 

                            Smallness of Our Thinking

                              Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater… 

                              Overcoming Injustice

                                That’s not fair! This is a rally cry I have called out and rallied around all of my life. I’ve tried to combat various injustices… 

                                No Longer I Who Live

                                       Know who you are in Me, for this changes how you respond to everything. When you realize it is no longer you, but Christ… 

                                  The Trap of Manipulation

                                    It is God who exalts. When we believe this truth, we can walk free from the subtle trappings of manipulation. When we have a word… 

                                    Why Hide Ye From Me

                                           Why hide ye from Me? My beloved, I see every hidden place, I want to see your wiliness to lay bare before Me the… 

                                      Turning to God

                                        When we don’t know what to pray or what to do next just stand still before the Lord. When we have accomplished all that has… 

                                        The Lord Who Heals Thee

                                          Prayer: How awesome to walk about in the healing You have provided for us by the beating You took on our behalf. You forgive us… 

                                          Who Do You Say That I Am

                                                     Who do you say that I am? What you’ve known Me as in the past is only the beginning. I Am present with you… 

                                            We Shall Do Valiantly

                                              Whenever the Lord positions men and women around us to give aid it is a blessing, for He also works through us to give aid… 

                                              Not Too Late

                                                What do we do when all seems lost? What if it didn’t turn out as we expected? What if the wounds are so deep it… 

                                                looking up to a blue sky with cotton ball white clouse surrounding the sun

                                                The Nature of God

                                                  We cannot know the fullness of God in our lifetime, for He is too majestic for us to comprehend with our human minds and our… 

                                                  God’s Hiddenness

                                                    When it seems like God is hiding from us what do we do? Have we misheard Him, have we been forsaken by Him, how do… 

                                                    I Draw Thee

                                                           Just rest easy in Me, My child. At times just come sit before Me and worship in quietness and complete trust of not knowing… 

                                                      An Unlikely Response

                                                        The voice of the enemy is condemnation, the voice of man is critique, the voice of God is exhortation. We are the sheep of our… 

                                                        Example for Our Lives

                                                               Live as I did. Yes, in the love I poured out but also in the meeting of needs of those I encountered. When you… 

                                                          Your Light on My Path

                                                                 Do you think I would forsake you? Do you think I’ve brought you thus far to leave you desolate and unused? My tender beloved,… 

                                                            A City of Habitation

                                                              Organizations are made up of a group of people brought together to achieve a common goal. Whether the goal pertains to business, humanitarian, or academic,…