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Devotions and Words

Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding inspired by God.

Single Minded Heart

         My love, I love that you share My heart. This is why I need you to have an undivided heart and singleness of mind.… 

    dog paw print in the sand

    Keep Walking Forward

           Let go of your limited mindset of how things should go, how things should be. Let your agonizing control over circumstances drop to the… 

      God’s Desire to Pour Out

             I encompass you about with love and tender mercies. Would that you would come to Me like you desire your little ones to. You… 

        A precious white bunny facing a computer and keyboard, like she is using technology.

        Fully Employed

               My love I speak to you with My joy complete. I rejoice fully at what I am pouring on you. Continue to learn this… 

          A sweet chicken.

          Be of Good Courage & Stand

                 Fresh wine I give you, I daily want to speak to you to give you fresh wine  to renew your soul. Drink deep of… 

            Looking out from a plane over green lush fields with a rainbow aginst a white cloud loud

            A New Perspective

                   My love, you must be still and trust Me to make the way for you. Guard your heart against the weakness of pride and… 

              Looking up through pecan trees to blue sky and shining sun

              A Privileged Position

                     At times you do not want to listen to My words for in your heart you say, “These are too good, I can’t hear… 

                From Glory to Glory

                       In My presence I change you to make you ready and fit for My purposes. My words to you are now as melodious tones… 

                  Dwell with the Almighty

                         I want you to live in this way. Keeping to the boundaries I have set for you to keep you safe from the enemy,… 

                    Live in My Abundance

                           My beloved, do not delay or dread to come before Me, for I have much to say. You cannot exhaust My wellspring of knowledge… 

                      His Mighty Acts

                             How good I am, men do not see My works because of their distractions on the things in this world and their unbelief. They… 

                        two yellow labs smelling a meadow in the morning.

                        Rejoice with Me

                               I tell you this day good things are coming to you. The enemy has tried to shake you and try you sorely and rob… 

                          Rocky langscape with the hope of new life budding with green mint plants springing forth.

                          God’s Plans

                                 Man and the enemy may delay My plans, but they will not be thwarted, I search to and fro throughout the earth for a… 

                            Green grass with large spreading oak tree in the distance.

                            Seek God’s Reward

                                   I see you. Does it matter to you if man applauds your accomplishments or if I do? Man will use and expend you for… 

                              a beach with wet sand, gentle waves, blue sky, and a seagull flying by.

                              Be Refreshed

                                     I position you to exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, this is how you shall govern. Grow not weary in your well doing, for… 

                                yellow lab puppy sleeping soundly with soft paws resting on a blanket, dreaming of things to come.

                                Yet Will I Trust Him

                                       “I desire you greatly,” you cannot discern whether you say this to Me or I to you, for we are one. Your spirit, soul,… 

                                  Evergreen leaves with lake blurred in background

                                  Content in All Seasons

                                         I tell you that your steps are firmly ordered by Me. Do not be tossed to and fro by every wind and whim of… 

                                    Walk in Confidence

                                      I am teaching you to war, you are feeling the attacks of the battle but they are only attacks/assaults they cannot harm you if do… 

                                      Lush Green runway of grass between two open columns of green trees standing tall in the morning light

                                      Changed in His Presence

                                             You recognize that you have been changed in My presence. My peace and delight is present in situations where before you felt intimidation and… 

                                        God's rainbow in the clouds in a bright sky contrasted against a dark field.

                                        A New Season

                                               I speak a new season over you.This is a new level with Me. A level of intimacy and one of great freedom and responsibility.… 

                                          pine trees towering against a winter sky

                                          Let Us Reason Together

                                                 My love, you’ve heard My pressing on you to hear Me speak. You still run from Me for you fear you will hear words… 

                                            Two bunnies laying comfortably together

                                            God’s Strength and Timing

                                                   Watch what I will do. Look and behold what I bring forth. You see it is not in your strength or planning, or orchestration… 

                                              morning sun rising over a green field surrounding by spreading oak trees

                                              The Counsel of His Wisdom

                                                     You are learning how to be abased and how to abound. I can move mightily through vessels that are poised before Me. You will… 

                                                Three purples morning glory flowers blooming in the morning dew

                                                A Well of Creativity

                                                       I have not called you to concern yourself with how others walk. I have not called you to judge how others would even use… 

                                                  Deep Calls Unto Deep

                                                         You have felt the deep crying unto deep all day. Those deep things you desire are My will. Cease from fighting My will and… 

                                                    Gardenia flowers opening their pedals wide with awe of God

                                                    The Importance of Wisdom

                                                           My Heart is touched by your actions when you stand for what was right. This I honor. I am greatly pleased with the work… 

                                                      orange flowers under a blue sky, lifting up their petals in worship to God.

                                                      Be Still & Know

                                                             When you are far spent you must take time to rest, did not even I steal away to pray and rest. When you… 

                                                        lab quickly running down a new path

                                                        Walk in His Adventure

                                                               You wait for Me with batted breath. Your heart has turned to hunger for Me, for the entrance of My words give life. You… 

                                                          Pine tree brach with twisted needles blocking out the radiant light of the sun.

                                                          Our Purpose in Him

                                                                 You fret that what you are doing is not enough. I tell you again, I am pleased with you. If this were all I… 

                                                            Know My Ways

                                                              My way, saith the Lord, is not feverish pursuits for satisfaction. No, My way is light, burdenless, life-giving, satisfying. You make wrong decisions based on…