Words of Encouragement
Do not be downcast oh my soul, put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him. My love, lift your head for…
Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding inspired by God.
Do not be downcast oh my soul, put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him. My love, lift your head for…
My love, during times when your soul and spirit are in turmoil I have miss speaking to you, communing with you. My love I…
Your soul has been crowded out by desires you think will satisfy, but you came to the end of yourself and see these are…
My love, my vessel, my desired. As deep calls unto deep. When I pour over you, still yourself to release these things to Me.…
Come My love, let us reason together. I delight that My children work together, operating in the gifts I give them. My desire is…
I move upon you, My servant even in what you desire to do with your time. You desire now more to be in the…
How delighted I am by you. When you meditate on Me, you are aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit. When you seek…
You come to Me with a thankful heart, blessing Me for even those things which are still unseen in the natural. I tell you…
My beloved, know that all these things I do, for I tenderly care for you, I delight in you. I will make the latter…
Beloved one, you are able to receive more of Me and My speaking to you even now. You see that I’ve expanded you to…
My grace is sufficient. When you have done all to stand, you can stand firm and confident knowing that My grace is sufficient. When…
I have removed your past from you – even now discern the cutting of soul and spirit, the dividing of joint and marrow. I…
I am taking you to a new level of operation, above what is possible with Man. By faith, you speak to the mountain but…
This position I am giving you to stand in would be filled with frustration and despair, but I raise you above that so that…
You perceive a stretching in your spirit and the reaction of your body is tiredness. I am bringing you into a new season and…
Beyond what you can imagine I will do for you. You have discerned the time now correctly, this is a time to pour into…
Meditate on the Lord and the truth of His word. Know His will for you. Though circumstances may look opposite of what we are to…
You listen and hear My gentle voice saying I want to come and sup with you, to speak with you and share My heart…
I’m showing you that I can set up if you just wait, stand even in turmoil and pain and let Me work it out. …
Do not dwell on what man says is possible, but on what I say I will do for you. I turn back the hand…
You do well to come on with Me and not dwell only at the place where My miracles occur. I have much more to…
I will cause even your enemies to live at peace with you, those who do not live at peace will flee before you. For…
I said seek Me and I will be found by you. Seek Me and practice My presence by consciously coming into My presence. This…
You see that it is a new day, a new beginning, a new season. I gently lead you along, but this does not mean…
My love, it delights My heart that you believe. In the light of nothing at times, you fight for and proclaim My will over…
I am sweeping over you as a wave and have made you completely new, behold the old has past and the new is come.…
I will restore to greatness beyond what you have asked or imagined. My treasure, you never wanted to be in front of a crowd,…
Even as you see the date on the calendar indicate a new season, so I tell you that I am bringing a new season…
Some prefer to stay in the care mode and in sickness, rather than asking what My purpose for them is. My purpose is for…
You desire to work for Me, I want to bring My will and display My power through you. You feel the excitement in your…