A Thoughtful Habit
I can do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask for or imagine. When you turn your thoughts to Me in the common ways,…
Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding inspired by God.
I can do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask for or imagine. When you turn your thoughts to Me in the common ways,…
You felt My desire to speak with you even today. You are beginning to discern and recognize this unction. You are beginning to welcome…
When we can rest in Jesus, no matter what occurs around us, then we can be circumstance changers. When we are above the circumstance, we…
What man calls a disorder, God views as his children not taking their rightful place, being filled with faith and trust, and resting their all…
You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. You hand upon us and power manifested gives hope to the…
My love, you feel excitement in your spirit, you sense a desire for adventure welling up within you.The desire is from Me. I am…
In abundance you will walk and wear My mantle of authority. You will bring a time of peace and prosperity where there has been…
When you feel My presence desiring to speak to you and reveal deep treasures stored in secret places, push in so the enemy cannot…
When you are moved by much care and do not stand in the place of grace, then My outpouring is blocked. When you stand…
When He uses us to pour out, we pour out of a place of fullness, not from emptiness. When we feel drained, empty, as though…
Do not look through man’s eyes to what is possible. Even if one believer stood and believed what I can and desire to do,…
You demonstrate your faith in Me through your praise, through your reaction to what comes before you. When you dwell under the circumstance you…
My beloved, I do not condemn you for your slowness to believe Me. My words to you are life and I know the time…
I have need of thee, are you ready to serve Me in the position I’ve prepared you for at such a time as this?…
The feeling of futility suffocates and cripples my people. It drains their passion and desire to be more than a conqueror through me, for…
Your lesson has been one of patience, to wait upon Me to fulfill the words of My mouth and not try to bring it…
When all seems futile, look to Me. Futility is a place of discouragement, where even your greatest efforts seem to change nothing. It is…
My love, you are encompassed about with much care. Have I not said, Rest in Me and I will make your paths straight. I…
Bitterness comes from a selfish heart. When you focus on what you want instead of the fact that I have need of you, then…
You see My beauty all around, in the beauty of a cool spring morning even in the coldest of winters nights there is beauty…
Take heart, for I am about to reveal where I have worked without your sight. You have stood and spoken and believed with all…
I have waited for your new song of praise to come forth, thanking Me for all I’ve done and right where you are in…
You’ve heard Me speak of walking on the heights, you experience it for a moment, but then at times turn back to your own…
My love, you are tired and weary, you doubt that anything I can say to you will bring refreshment, you are weary from believing…
When your strength fails and all you can do is submit to Me even though your flesh at times does not want to, at…
I’ve heard your complaint. You have cried out, “Lord, I’m made for more than this. Where is the adventure, where is the passion for…
My love, I share with you My heart. When you feel My promptings to want to speak to you, come to Me and do…
I’ve discovered some useful strategies to saturate myself with the Word of God. Download audio books or purchase CD’s of the Bible to listen to…
My dear and precious beloved, I use My people to call forth those things that are not but are My desire to give. When…
As we feverishly search through all the distractions available to us through the internet, television, books, movies we try to find the answer to a…