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Devotions and Words

Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding inspired by God.

Stand for the Right Way

    God reveals how he delights in those who have compassion on the weak, rejected, hopeless, and the outcasts.  Let Him continue to pour out to… 

    Comfort of a Prophetic Word

      Beloved Followers of Christ, This word was shared with me by Prophet Paul Tofoya at Victory Life Church in Foley, Alabama earlier this year and… 

      In My Strength

             I desire to deal bountifully with thee. Even as you desire to deal bountifully with your little ones and not only meet every need,… 

        Effort versus Effortless

               Effort is when you move and action in your own strength to please others or try to earn My favor. Effortless is when you… 

          Rejected by Man

            The word below is wisdom from God in how to view rejection of various kinds. At times we are called to continue to stand and… 

            Out of An Unlikely Vessel

              You have brought me out into a spacious place, you have caused me to stand.      You stand even this day upon a precipice. You’ve… 

              You are Dear to Me

                Father, your presence is sweet and comforting even now. How close you are to me, just to turn my attention to You and you are… 

                Deal Bountifully With Me

                  Whom have I in heaven but thee, and being on earth I desire none besides thee. Oh Lord, in my deepest despair I cried out… 

                  Out of Your Box of Safety

                    Oh beloved, how intrigued you are to come out of your box of safety and embrace all I have for you and all I want… 

                    Walk on the Water with Me

                           Walk on the water with me, speak to the winds and waves and they will obey, bring calm where there was fear and chaos.… 

                      Beyond the Status Quo

                             You look to areas in your life where you feel in control and that all is tucked in neatly and here you say to… 

                        Through Ready Vessels

                               Above this place you have dwelt in do I desire to bring you and move through you, above speculation, evil speaking, complaining, and bitterness.… 

                          With a Renewed Heart

                                 Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord. Not because you are tired or done or because your patience… 

                            Overcome Fear with Word

                              What fear ye? At times we may come to a place where all looks bleak. Where fear grips even our hope to believe for God’s… 

                              A Nameless Restlessness

                                Father, stirring within me has been a nameless restlessness. I am content with aspects of my life and I wait for you to fulfill all… 

                                Battle in His Strength

                                  For those of us who have, at one time or another, taken on a super hero mentality and tried to fix it all in our… 

                                  To Know Thee More

                                    Each day I rise to know more of Thee. In my weaknesses and frailty, in my circumstances that surround, I look to Thee to overcome.… 

                                    Continue in Fruitfulness

                                      Father, even through staggered breathing and broken heart I sang out the words of the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” to you in… 

                                      Be Renewed

                                             Come to Me and sit in My presence and be renewed. I Am the one that sustains you, I give you creativity, I give… 

                                        Do Not Be Offended

                                               How easily offended you are at the words and ideas of man. Do not be offended, for I see and know all that goes… 

                                          My Wisdom, My Direction

                                                 Let those who desire wisdom ask Me and I will freely give. Flow in Me. Know My way of leading, to build those up… 

                                            Be Encouraged, Oh Shephard

                                                   Oh beloved, I have heard your prayers, your cries, your place of hopelessness and doubt. I speak to you gently and tell you all… 

                                              Deliverance Draweth Nigh

                                                     I desire to teach you My paths. For a season the enemy has had a stronghold in this place. I tell you the truth,… 

                                                My Purposeful Vessel

                                                       Do you think I would forget about you? Do you think I would not use a heart that is committed to Me. Do you… 

                                                  Despise Not the Refining Fire

                                                         In the fires of refinement I have placed you, do not think I’ve left you there too long or forgotten about you. I leave… 

                                                    Jesus: The Way of Salvation

                                                      For those who are not called by His name, believe in Him. Jesus the Christ is our redeemer, healer, our way. He gives eternal life.… 

                                                      Strength & Righteousness

                                                             I Am very near to all who call on Me. To all who call on Me in spirit and in truth. I desire to… 

                                                        In All Your Weaknesses

                                                               You are restless, for you desire to be fully used by Me, every minute of the day filled with My purposes. Be not moved… 

                                                          What is Your Worth?

                                                                 What is your worth? Why look ye around at others to measure your standing? Measure your worth in how I see you.  Have I…