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Devotions and Words

Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding inspired by God.

Peace in a Dirt Pit

         Beloveds, be not uneasy in chaos for did I not speak peace to the winds and waves. I was not alarmed, but those around… 

    Earnestly I Seek Thee

      We read throughout scripture the longing believers felt for God and how they earnestly sought Him. What does it mean to seek God? It is… 

      When Words Cease

             Observe how the sun shines upon the trees lifting their limbs to bask in its light. They are unmoved, but positioned to receive and… 

        The Right Person

          In our walk with the Lord, at times we may question whether God has chosen the right person to bring about His purposes. We may… 

          Spirit of the Sovereign Lord

            Who ushers in conviction to our hearts when we did yet not know God? After we believe in Jesus, who brings grief to our hearts… 

            An Unexpected Outcome

              As we turn our faces to seek God wholeheartedly, we will be surprised at the outcome. He is very near to us, He desires to… 

              Anointed Yet Scorned

                God sent the Prophet Samuel to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as the new king over Israel. When Samuel arrived in Bethlehem, he beheld Eliab,… 

                Pressing Into God

                  I waited patiently for the Lord, and He inclined unto me and heard my cry. I knew no other way would I find satisfaction, wholeness,… 

                  Surrender to Joy

                    Total surrender is what You ask of us – You surrendered Your will to the Father and You were scourged for our diseases and crucified… 

                    The Work of Our Lives

                      What frustrations we bring upon ourselves, what restless feelings we needlessly endure, what fruitless efforts we operate in when we think we have to work… 

                      When All Seems Lost

                        When we find ourselves in seasons of loss, disappointment, and our dreams and visions (even those God has given us) seem lost and as though… 

                        From Artificial to Real

                          What if we are found out? What if man catches a glimpse into the the real us that God already has full view of? An … 

                          How Bright the Dreary Days

                                 I brighten the dreary days. Are the dreary days not birthed from a place of doubt, wavering in your trust in Me that each… 

                            Enter Into His Rest

                              There is a place of walking with the Lord that is known as “entering into His rest” which is evidenced by the vessel as complete… 

                              Balm for Grief and Wounds

                                In the Bible we read about a Balm of Gilead which was a substance used to heal and soothe. Jesus’s healing and saving power is… 

                                Freedom from Self-Loathing

                                  Many struggle with self-loathing, but God can reveal and set us free from this stronghold. Whether self-hatred is instilled from assaults inflicted by others consciously… 

                                  I Am Your Comfort

                                    Speak Lord, we offer our deep places to Thee. Those places in our hearts where grief resides, insecurities, wounds, and fear. Come there and heal… 

                                    Confidence in God

                                           Put your confidence in Me, not in man, not in your own abilities. Do not lose heart at the look of things, but rather… 

                                      Belief and Confidence

                                        Our beliefs affect our confidence and guide our actions. If we know the truth of something, then we can rightly respond in all confidence. This… 

                                        When Nothing Else Fits

                                               Do not despise the days of small beginnings and do not lose heart in the days of silence. When nothing seems to fit your… 

                                          Care of the Details

                                                 I see your care of the details. Do all of these as unto Me. I am teaching you to offer up every detail of… 

                                            Panic or Inspiration

                                              When we’ve prayed, done all He has prompted us to do, then what? Ours is to rest in His peace and stay focused upon Him.… 

                                              Led Thus Far

                                                Oh faithful God, You are that friend that sticks closer than a brother. Though all men may forsake Me, I stand for Thee and in… 

                                                Deception vs. Truth

                                                  Below is a link to a compelling video on YouTube. It is evidence of who Jesus is and how He loves each of us. This… 

                                                  Your Calling, My Purpose

                                                         What have I asked you to do? Then do this with all of your might. Evaluate not the worth of your life based on… 

                                                    The Meaning of Life

                                                           What is your walk for? What does your life mean? Have you any purpose? Beloved, keep your focus on Me and My calling for… 

                                                      Clean Canvas of Forgiveness

                                                             A clean slate upon which to display My handiwork, My giftings, and pour out My love for the nations is what I desire you… 

                                                        Who Do You Believe I Am

                                                               Who do you believe that I am? Read My word to see the revelation of the Christ. Observe creation that displays the works of… 

                                                          Broken, Comforted, Filled

                                                            What if the most precious one to us were in danger, compromised, grasping for health, yet we stand there powerless to help? What if the… 

                                                            The Everlasting Arms

                                                              The song, “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” has been on my heart for a few days. I used to sing it in church out of…