Keep Not Yourself to Yourself
What part of ourselves do we hold back from the Lord? How do we treat Him? Do we seek Him when we have need of…
Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding inspired by God.
What part of ourselves do we hold back from the Lord? How do we treat Him? Do we seek Him when we have need of…
What does our obedience cost us? What must we give up to obtain more of our Beloved? We must decrease so that He may increase…
To obey or not to obey, that is the question, but this is not a new question. This is a wrestling match between the spirit…
The faithfulness of God is sure. When we find ourselves on shaky ground, hopes dashed, and the way before us looks shut or void of…
When we still want what we know God would not choose for us either at all or at this time what do we do? First,…
Do you think that I don’t see the smallest effort in surrender to Me, to release that which I’ve placed My finger on. My…
When we do not see the power of God manifested in our lives, do not walk in the unhindered flow of the Holy Spirit with…
I know the plans I have for you. My love, I see the details, I see the blockages. My love, I see the way…
Lord, I’ve wrestled with you over letting go parts of what my heart thinks it wants. Those parts that look to something other than Thee…
From the foundations of the world I’ve known you. I’ve walked with you in this path all of your days. I even knew you…
Oh Lord, I still and quiet my soul and come before You. You are my life, My direction, My purpose. In You all is well.…
You fear much, My child. You fear that you are not enough, that you will not be able to accomplish the tasks before you,…
Lord, we come before you past our fleshly longings, past our weaknesses and since, past our sentiment, past all those things we hold dear and…
As we walk with Jesus in the ever day, we may find that our flesh wants to rear its ugly head and say, “I don’t…
Draw near to God and He will draw near to us. This is a choice we make, for we can continue on in busyness and…
The process may seem a bit unsettling as the Lord moves us into new pastures and makes a way for the gifts He has given…
The unctions of the Holy Spirit burn in our hearts inviting us to experience more of Him in this life. What if we find ourselves…
That which used to bring you comfort now detests you. Your satisfaction is found in Me. I am refining you for higher ways to…
As the soul bows down before God and asks forgiveness in true repentance His grace come rushing in and cleanses every part bringing this precious…
When at last we cry out to God and give Him our all – imaginations, time, will, heart, plans, preferences, disappointments – what and abundant…
When we are empty in ourselves and do not know what the Lord is doing with us or what He is making us into, be…
Father, forgive me for not pressing into praying without ceasing. In this place of intercessory prayer in praying in my understanding and in the Spirit…
When hope seems removed – pray. When we don’t know what to pray sit before the Lord and let the groans form our spirit come…
Cast off the covering of despair that seems to have covered your joy. It is a nameless discouragement that covers your hope, for so…
What does it mean to bear fruit? The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control. When…
My love as I received your mother into My presence you had to let go of such a long time of believing and standing.…
The Lord is always faithful to speak to us. What a glorious thought that the One who created all that is actually cares about the…
What do you set before your eyes? What do you think upon? What do you labor to fulfill? I have said, “Come to Me…
What’s next, Lord? You’ve spoken Your promises over me and I believed, You took me through a time of refinement – an extended time. I…
As we learn to walk with the Lord each day and commit each moment and task to Him, the reality that all things are possible…