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Be Not Offended

         You have tasted and seen that I Am good. You are in awe at how I’ve changed your heart with even one choice to… 

    Your Worth to Me

      Prayer: I’ve seen you in the sanctuary and beheld Your power. I’ve witnessed the magnificent works of Your hands in all of creation. Oh God,… 

      Difficult People

        How do we deal with difficult people? The short answer is: with God’s all consuming love! Let us consider an issue we might continually encounter.… 

        When One Cries Out

               For will I not raise up and move when even one cries out to Me, when even one believes My word and proclaims My… 

          In Me Build

            As we follow the Lord on from strength to strength and glory to glory, let us be stable vessels transformed into His image and living… 

            Out of Every Trouble

              God works through the Gifts of the Spirit to build up the body of Christ. These include teaching, leadership, words of wisdom, words of knowledge,… 

              I Want Nothing Else

                There is a place beyond the passionate desires of our flesh – lust, greed, anger, self-promotion, pride, feeling inadequate, discontent, impatience, unforgiveness, gluttony, hate, bitterness,… 

                Rejoice, My Love

                  When we believe in Jesus and follow him, there is a refreshing that we can experience that is a joy unspeakable and full of glory.… 

                  Opportunity for Love

                    Proclamations of the Flesh Oh, how the flesh cries out and rails against the unfairness of life by bringing to light all that intrudes upon… 

                    Grace and Call of God

                           What say you about My love? Come to Me and learn more. Come to Me and learn how full My love for you is… 

                      Yes to His Call

                        What is our calling from God? Whether we are running from Him or going through the motions of religious practice while not completely giving our… 

                        The Lord is My Shepherd

                               Settle here with Me, do not seek to move in your own time. Settle in the land in which I have you and be… 

                          The Astounding Gospel

                            As we progress in our walk with the Lord, let us be strong and very courageous. The gospel of Christ is astounding and beyond what… 


                              If you’ve ever felt as though you are not enough, evaluated your worth based on circumstances or how others honor or dishonor you, had a… 

                              Restore and Strengthen

                                     There is more for you to know. When you think you’ve exhausted the lines of revelation, know there is still more, more to expand… 

                                Freedom from Debauchery

                                  What is debauchery? It can include excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures, unbridled lust or sensuality. What does it feel like? Bondage. It is a lust… 

                                  A Total Makeover

                                    Song of Praise: I come to You, oh Lord. I come to You and kneel beside refreshing streams of cool waters. I come to You,… 

                                    No Weapon Forged

                                      What does it mean that God works all things for good? No matter what we encounter through circumstance, the Lord can bring blessing, for Jesus… 

                                      Words of God's Wisdom


                                             When you are overwhelmed and discouragement settles over you as a covering, look to Me. Believe Me and what I’ve said about your path… 

                                        Justice for the Oppressed

                                          Following is a word from the Lord I received for a dear beloved child of God. I was released to share this as an example… 

                                          No Longer Flinch

                                            When the Lord gives a word through the gift of knowledge or prophesy, we can glean so much about His heart toward His children. The… 

                                            Source of All Means

                                              When we have suffered lack of any kind, with empty hearts we can fall into the temptation to try to satisfy ourselves in any way… 

                                              Filled With Me Continually

                                                Prayer: All is quiet in Your presence. All ceases and You Are. Here all the questions are answered, here all the ways are made, here… 

                                                Power of the Holy Spirit

                                                  The pleasures of the world and of the flesh do not compare with the power of the Holy Spirit and the effects His presence has… 

                                                  As Tempered Steel

                                                         For how long has your path been that you have asked in your heart, “Will it always be like this? How long, Oh Lord,… 

                                                    Lavish Love

                                                      While making my way through a crowd I looked about and all I could see were greedy, angry, sad, sickly, selfish, prideful, impatient people. Everyone… 

                                                      In His Presence

                                                             As you turn your face from the distractions in your life and seek Me, wait for My manifest presence, I will be found by… 

                                                        Identity and Circumstances

                                                          The Lord has been teaching me how important it is to understand our identity in Him. Knowing who we are in Jesus can change everything… 

                                                          With You Still

                                                            What do we have to do or where do we have to be to meet with God? He is so very near to each of… 

                                                            One With Me

                                                              O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! You will show us even greater things in Thee than we have…