Fulfillment and Focus
Lift your eyes, look to the east and the west from the north to the south and behold what I would do for a…
Lift your eyes, look to the east and the west from the north to the south and behold what I would do for a…
If we find ourselves compassed about with feelings of regret, depression, worry, fears, or other maladies of the soul and mind there is hope in…
Oh My love, how cast down you have been and how whole and lifted up I desire to make you. By your own hand…
Many do not wait upon Me and continue to walk with Me for they do not see this triumphant entering in, but they slink…
My love, I place My hands of refreshment upon your forehead, for have I not lifted you up from your dwelling in a parched…
The following is a video by Eric Gilmour I recently watched on YouTube that is so rich with the truths of dwelling with God and…
Are there areas in our lives in which we find ourselves not walking free? Is it in how we respond to others either with an…
Be awake to what I am working in and around you. Do not define yourself or interpret your circumstances from what you see in…
The Lord brings opportunity to shed His light in the everyday whether we are alone or in a crowd. How important it is to commune…
The Lord calls His beloveds to walk in His truths and shed His light in dark places. At times He may reveal how things are…
What do we do when the Lord calls us to something, makes a promise, or reveals a matter that is completely opposite from what we…
What is the Church? Is it a building? Is it a denomination? Is it a movement? Does it exist within a certain set of walls…
When we have truly tasted, we will see that the Lord is good. He satisfies the longing heart. He heals the broken body. He is…
As we yield ourselves to the Master Potter, it can sometimes seem as if no progress is being made on our form. He asks us…
When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior we begin a divine walk with the Almighty. Each day we are wooed to…
Our Heavenly Father speaks to us throughout scripture reminding us that He will never leave or forsake us, and will be with us always.” (Hebrews…
I have planted you in this green and fruitful land overflowing with abundance, why would you seek to go elsewhere? I Am even put…
Prayer: Oh love that will not let me go. You are the author and finisher of my faith. You bring me from strength to strength…
Prayer: Your presence, Oh God, is sweet. It overtakes me like a wave washing over me leaving nothing untouched. You make the rough places smooth…
I came across the following video from Eric Gilmour on YouTube and wanted to share it here. He put words to the longing of our…
Let us come before Him and adore the One who created us for who He is not what He can give. Let us not put…
In all we do, whether in word or deed, do all unto the Lord. In this there is no regret, for here we are free…
I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have heard your cries and prayers. I’ve seen the wrong done unto you and the…
Prayer: Beloved, Your love overwhelms me. Your presence is sweet. You make a path for me out of hidden ways, You orchestrate to set me…
We will not reach a point in our lives when we have arrived, for our journey brings us closer and closer to Him. There will…
How dry and weary the way without His presence. When embarking on the path in our own strength to fulfill our own purposes, even purposes…
Be what you are in Me. Do not be tossed to and fro seeking to take on an image or persona of man’s image…
Your rest, peace, purpose is found in Me. In My presence is where you are to operate. How empty existence without Me, for I…
When the circumstance does not reflect God’s words to us, what do we do? When all feels futile and God’s words are not manifested when…
All that you seek is found in Me. Man would say pursue this or that in your own strength, man would say to rail…