I encompass you about with love and tender mercies. Would that you would come to Me like you desire your little ones to. You have a better place prepared away from all harm and they run to a dwelling to hide for they think it is better, but it is not.
I too have a better place and way for you to walk and you can only get to it by coming through Me. I desire that you come and sit with Me, dwell with Me. Dwell in the place and position I have created for you. Here is more restraint from the wilds of the world, but much more rewards and provision. I fill up all that you lack. In this place you will not only be provided for by Me, but will provide for others with the abundance I pour out on you. They will see My provision through you.
Many are not ready or willing to come to Me, so I call to them and speak to them through you. I desire that they receive straight from My hand, until then I can pour on them through you. I pour healings, means, words of life, knowledge, direction, compassion, and love. All of your questions are answered in what I desire to do through you.
Be the fountain that the well spring of living waters flows through. You desire this for you have felt My heart, for I desire it more than you can conceive in your minds and hearts. I desire to pour out on the world and display My works to the nations so that they may all believe.