You desire to work for Me, I want to bring My will and display My power through you. You feel the excitement in your spirit to desire to go anywhere I lead you. Continue to saturate yourselves with My word. You have sought Me. My word is health to your bodies and nourishment to your flesh.
Many do not understand what this means, show them what you did. Before this time of saturation you hoped I would move, you tried to believe and seek Me, but now you know it. You are fully convinced of My purpose and will. This is where you stand – knowing My heart for a situation.
I will show you great works, but keep your heart humbled before Me. Many need to see My works so that they will believe. Do not let the miracles and My meeting needs substitute our fellowship and our intimacy. I do these things for My beloveds, but I desire their hearts, I desire fellowship with them.
My beloved, set apart time with Me daily, for I have much need to fellowship with you and speak with you. Practice My presence all day. You are learning to walk in My presence at all times, to be ready to pour out and meet any need. I am refining you to fill My position and purpose for you. I have need that you are ready and solid standing in My assurance.
- “My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.” Proverbs 4:20-22