Complete your work as unto Me. I will exalt and I will put down. Waste not one drop of energy on looking at what others around you are doing. You work as unto Me and let me handle the consequences/results. Commit to Me your time, and I will prompt you what needs to be done. Let your joy be complete.
When you look at man, there is no stability. The heart of man is fickle, the king’s heart is in the hands of the Lord to direct it as a watercourse wherever He pleases. Trust Me to change hearts and direct your path where I intend you to be. Look not around at those who are pleased or displeased with you, for My pleasure or displeasure is all that matters. I am constant, I am sure.
Know that My plans for you are unchanging and My words will not return to Me void. Even if man were to step out of My will and throw a blockage up in your path, I can make another and greater way for you. Rejoice always, and again I say rejoice. Fear not, for I am with you, I will not leave you or forsake you. Keep your heart humbled before Me so that I can make your way.
Let Me reveal men’s hearts to you and give you word in season to speak. Do not get bogged down in the circumstance of the now. Bring them out of the now and give them a glimpse of My heights for them. Their feet are also in the muck, but they have no way out. Bring them out as I give you words to speak life and hope to them.
I do not call you to be emotionless and to display man’s definition of “executive professionalism”, for this produces nothing. You display My heart for them even when you are accused, for they do not even know why they themselves wrestle against you and against circumstances. They need My peace, My calm, My ways. You are to display a new way, a way that they have not seen or known.
You have felt the heaviness that man’s ways bring. You dwell above this and bring others up too. You are in these hard places, for through you I will bring many up and show them My ways. You must keep your eyes and focus on Me, for I am your truth.