Even as you see the date on the calendar indicate a new season, so I tell you that I am bringing a new season into your life. Just as you see a ring sparkle on a finger, so you will sparkle like a jewel to Me. My beloved, how I love you. Breath in the fresh air and take notice of the new fragrances you smell in your changing seasons outside – so also will you be that fresh fragrant scent to Me.
Honor Me by loving Me with your whole heart. You are done with bitterness and strife – you let these go. I was preparing you for this new season. How could I use you with the plans I have for you with such a heart condition as you had. You released all bitterness to Me.
How I will use you. Let your speech be sweet. Let no judgment be found in you. Love others and see their hearts as I do, do not judge their actions. Be ready for anything. Look for My blessings to come forth in all directions. They will overtake you. How delighted I am to do this. Your heart is prepared.