Father, stirring within me has been a nameless restlessness. I am content with aspects of my life and I wait for you to fulfill all of your promises toward me. What is this that stirs within me, deeper than my flesh and soul, that comes out from my spirit. Whether waking or sleeping, focused or disinterested, still this call for an adventure is within me. Deep inside I know I am made for more than I can now see.
The ache and longing in your spirit is deep calling unto deep. I rustle you to get you ready for change. When you are satisfied with your daily walk how hesitant you are to move into deeper waters. When you have a deeper hunger for more of My heights and ways that are My making, I can easily launch you out into the deep.
Am I not making a way unseen to you, a way greater than you can expect, a way that will match the restlessness I’ve placed in you, to know I will uphold you and give you strength and wisdom to accomplish these next steps. The increased hunger for adventure is to expand your heart and get your focus on Me. It is not by your might, power, or understanding that I bring these things forth. I delight in bringing you into this place.
My love, have I not said, I desire to show you the world, My beauty, and use you to bring light in darkness and bring order out of chaos. You are impatient at times, for you do not see My words in full fruition in your life. Rest in Me, I will being all My words to pass in My timing and ways. My words will not return to me void, but will accomplish the purpose for which I sent it.
- “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water. “Come,” He said.” Matthew 14:28-29