Be done with speculation, for have I not called you out to hear My voice, to take what I say as truth and forsake looking at circumstances to form your opinion and reaction? I tell you I give you hope and a good future. Be done with speculation, for this shows not your trust in Me.
Would I have asked my people in all the past years to walk by faith and to consult those around them and decipher clues in order to know what is going on – to get their bearings? I tell you this firmly, for I want you to have no part in speculation. Asking others their opinion on the circumstance when I’ve told you plainly what I plan to do. Rejoice only in what I’ve said, focus on the clear vision you have in faith for I do not conceal My plans from My servants. I tell them so they will not lose hope.
Hope is lost when circumstances are your focus. When your focus, your thoughts, your hope, your feelings, your mindset are on My words to you then your way is plain. Let me change circumstances, you just hope in Me, you just please Me by your faith and trust evidenced by your mindset.
Put your hope on things above not on earthly things. For even if you were to attain the goal apart from Me your confidence would be weak for you would always be strained trying to hold onto a position, an achievement, an obtainment. But when I make the way, your position – your role is made firm.
This is the victorious walk. Keep your hope in Me for I desire to change things to line up with the desires of My heart. I ask you to hope in Me, put your faith in Me, put your full trust in Me, put your joy and happiness in Me. These are the high places to walk. I desire My children to dwell on these high places.
You cannot make one strand of your hair gray or cease from it turning gray, but I can. I can do all things. Nothing is impossible with Me. I am limited only by your faith and trust in Me. Ask Me My heart and wait for Me in hope and trust and delight to see HOW I will accomplish the thing.
Let bitterness and anger be far from you. Dwell in peace and unfailing/unwavering hope. Delight My heart by trusting Me. Do all your tasks as unto Me and watch what a way I will make. Know My heart and ask Me for it/speak it forth and wait for Me to move upon it.
This is why it is important to hear the deep crying unto deep, for that is the desire of My heart going forth waiting for a voice to speak it forth, a heart to believe in its fruition in the way I choose to deliver, and one waiting to behold it coming to pass. Let your rejoicing come before it occurs for this delights Me, this shows your trust/dependence on Me. How I want this walk to be in all My children.
When we don’t know what to do, or when none of our actions can change one thing in our circumstances, then we must hope in Him. We must hope in Him to move on our behalf. What a sweet surrender it is to let go of all our striving and reaching for ambition to let God move on our behalf. What a delightful thing when we see His hands move and open a door that before was shut. No finagling, no striving, no vain ambition. When the desire comes it is a tree of life and pride is not the fruit, but humility. We realize in this way that it is God who exalted us and nothing we did in our own strength or obtained by our own skill/education/know-how.
There is a time to be ambitious and reach for something beyond ourselves, but then there are times that we must cease our striving and wait on God. This is hardest for our flesh to bear, for we must cease depending on ourselves. When we continue to press forward out of Hi timing to achieve what we thought we wanted, then when we get it we do not possess it, but it possesses us. It’s heavy, fruitless, and not fragrant with the savory smell of God’s touch on it. How much better to achieve in His way and time. Did Jesus not do this very thing? He accomplished many mighty works, but did so submitted to the Father and in worked in His way and time.