Oh Lord, I lift my heart to you in emptiness, in doubts, in anxiety, in fear, in the face of uncertainty and I offer Thee my life and all that is in it. All things are possible for you and I say though You slay me, yet will I trust you. My mouth will continually sing Your praise in the depths of despair to the heights of elation. I am and all that concerns me are Yours, and You are mine. You keep safe that which concerns me.
In the offering fears, anxieties, doubts are drawn out as poison from a viper’s bite and your Holy Spirit breathes fresh life into me and all that concerns me. All I can say is, “Thee” all I can whisper with my mouth is “Thee” and in this simple word is cradled all of my hopes and very heart itself, all of my restlessness and hope. Thee is all I need for You satisfy and fill up and move even where we cannot see. You mend and heal, You straighten and unblock, You lift us to a higher place where we saw no way. Oh, Thee, Lover of my soul. I rest in Thee now, my heart is lifted high in Your presence. You change everything,
Oh Lord. If the Lord be on my side, who can defeat me? If the Lord is with me, what shall I fear? No thing, no attitude, no result for our all is in Thee. I am overwhelmed with Your love and surrounded by Your tender mercies. Oh Thee, whom my heart trusts in. The author and perfecter of my faith. You who know our inner parts, perceive our thoughts from afar, nothing in all creation is hidden from Thee.
I open wide my mouth for You will fill it. Songs of praise come forth out of an open heart.
I am never more myself than when I’m with Thee. All that you have given to me, I offer back to you as praise.
You see the way that I take and when you have tested me I will come forth as gold.
Your might sustains me, for You are the lifter of my head and the strength of my heart. You are My portion forever.
Your breath of life comes into Me and I breath it out upon all who are weary and heavy laden and proclaim, “Come to Him for He will give you rest!”
My groaning is always before me, but You heal my broken heart and restore a right spirit within Me. You give me life where before I was empty and withered. You raise up that which I thought was long dead. Where hope was no more you breathe life and proclaim, “Rise up and be made whole.” You resurrect those dreams long dead that You alone have breathed into me.
We are mistaken when we think you are far from us, that we must ascend to the highest peak or lowest depth to be near to You. You are right there with us at all times, all we must do is turn our hearts to Thee and you are revealed to us.
Prayer: When the dreams You birthed in us, Oh God, look good and dead, then springs forth resurrection. When the purposes and callings of our lives go unfulfilled even though it is You who spoke them over us as Your will, when we have done all we can to mess up, when we have spoken all we can to manipulate the circumstance to bring it forth in our own effort, when it lies dormant as though never to be realized, it is then that You say, “Now you know it is I who give this to you, it is I who make your way. It is I who sustains you. Come let us walk into this Together.” Then we will weep with tears of joy and our hearts will swell with delight as we walk with You into the new and living way that You have created us for and prepared us to walk in with Thee.
Out of the depths I have called you. Out of the muck and mire I have released you. Oh love, I will not leave you desolate. I will satisfy you as with the richest of faire. I will strengthen your arms for their tasks. I will greatly delight your heart for in the receiving you know it is from My very hand and not of your own making. Whether I give life, healing, a way made, a position, a purpose, it comes from Me and you joy in the intimacy of Me rather than in the receiving – this is where I want all of My dear ones to flow – in Me.
I have so much to give, but so many want the thing and not Me. Receive the thing with Me and how fruitful will it be, not burdensome, not an idol, but pure fruit. Receive the impartation and go and be free. Be free from torment and your own weaknesses.
I fill up what lacks in you. Always turn to Me, always offer up your true heart to Me. Do not wait until you have attained to some self-righteous standard of perfection, just come to Me as you are and watch what I will make you. Receive what I impart to you. Be what I created you to be in My strength and in pure fellowship of the Holy Spirit.