How pleased I am that you come and seek Me to receive your daily bread. I pour out on you and fill your every desire and longing, for our hearts are one. I Am the one who is your supply for even happiness. Stand in the position I’ve placed you in all joy and hope and with a fresh supply of anointing. I anoint you to pour out onto others. Even when you are not trying, you will still pour out into them.
My rivers of living water flows out from you and cannot be held back, for you are willing to let Me move upon you. It is a sweet and satisfying flow. Beloved, bask in My satisfaction. Let the world work out My plans, but you stand unmoved, unaffected in My presence, in My flow. My flow is life giving, joy inspiring, filling.
Delight in Me and I will straighten your path. It is not in your own strength that you will bring these things forth, yours is to speak forth when I prompt you and receive from Me. This position on the heights will require you to connect with Me daily. In your own strength it is too heavy to bear, but in Me it will be light and satisfying.
How great a way I make for you. You even doubt in your frame that I can bring this to pass. You are sure that another will be able to step in and take this away. Why doubt ye? My plans may be frustrated or even delayed by man or the enemy, but I will orchestrate an even better way. Did I not do so with Joseph, David, Moses.
Do not doubt, do not fear, but stand boldly in this place and proclaim, “I am the one to fill this position.” Let us walk in this path, easy together. Be not unhappy, for I will surely make a way for you.