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eBook: The Longing Heart

Dear Seeking One,

We were created to long for more than we can obtain in this lifetime. Before undertaking the writing of this book, the Lord had taken me through a lengthy season of longing, a deep palpable yearning for more. He provided insight and revelation for this eBook and answers the question – What Do We Really Want?

You’ll find He sheds light on the root cause of our deep longings and reveals hindrances we can get bogged down in as we journey through this life. When our desires are left to blossom in the faithful hands of our Beloved Savior our hearts can find full satisfaction and purpose in this life as we look toward an eternity in His unfettered presence.

I hope this work helps you find answers to the deep calling unto deep in your soul and encourages you to continue walking on the heights with the Lord. There is so much more to experience in our Beloved than we can imagine. Provided free so anyone can have access.

Longing for Him,