Bloom where He plants you, until He has need of you elsewhere. Let Him be your potter, let Him be your refining fire, let Him order your steps. You cannot see when this season will end and another will begin.
Our beloved Savior knows the times and seasons. He orders our steps, our steps are secure. It is He who moves us on from strength to strength and glory to glory. He closes one season and opens another. Let us be yielded and still while living and moving and having our being in Him.
I do not speak to you lightly on this matter. I position you at the beginning of a new era in your life. Your heart finally pliable to release the past, the hurts, and disappointments, the pain, for none are innocent, but I make you all whole and new. I bring out more in days ahead than what was, more than what you and others could imagine I could do.
Your days ahead will resemble nothing of your past or what you thought was possible. Release to Me, release them to Me to fashion as I desire for I surely will. Now let Me employ you as I desire. Have you not been on my Potter’s wheel long enough, are you not ready to be used for noble purposes, am I not ready to use you. Have I not fired you in the furnace of affliction, removed impurities, revealed the weaknesses, strengthened you with My power. You say, “but it’s too quick, I’m not ready.” My love, has it not been long enough, I tell you this day, I make you ready.
I have strengthened your walls to contain all I pour into you, I have prepared the emptied cups for you to pour into. You will not ask, who will ascend to heaven to bring it down, who will descend to the bottom of the earth to retrieve it, but I tell you I have put in you what you need. Look not at others and think, “I must have something that resembles what they have, otherwise I’m not a proper minister, I’m not a useful vessel.” Beloved, I pour in you what is your unique sound, what only you could pour forth. I Am and you are mine. Look to Me.
I will astound the nations and even yourself with what I do through you. I am the one that builds your platform, not your, it’s nothing you must form from your own hands. Many have done this and their platforms are creaky and not well built. Their fruit is from their own making and self-effort, there is much weariness and frustration. Beloved, I long to build their platforms, would that they only turned and humbled themselves before Me.
I fashion your platform to pour forth, I prepare the way for you. I have worked in the secret place, even when you thought I was doing nothing, when you thought your years were passing without purpose. I am not slow to act, I bring forth at the proper time. I renew your youth as the eagles, I satisfy your mouth with good things. Have I not forgiven all your sins and healed all your diseases.
Move as I prompt you, for have I not taught you this in even the commonest of tasks. Keep your confidence in Me, not your flesh. Let your unique sound come forth, My love, for I delight to hear your voice, I delight to smell the fragrance of your prayers, I delight to dance with you in worship. My heart is in you, for have I not removed your heart of stone and given you a heart of flesh. Oh Beloved, let us adventure together.
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